Are you ready for a bit of a weird and wild transformative coaching container?


You’re into it?




If you’re a high-achieving, energy sensitive, quietly fascinating human who is driven to grow your business in a way that’s DEFinitely out of the mainstream, you’re in the right place.

I FULLY believe that my clients need holistic, emotional, and metaphysical healing in addition to smart strategies, tactics and accountability to get their business really rocking it at the next level.

That’s why mindset work is a cornerstone of the coaching I do with my business clients.

I check in with my clients intuitively to see what’s up on a subconscious level.

I have a system to clear trapped (unprocessed) emotions every week.

And then we also talk structures and tactics and planning and goals.

I’m a holistic spiritual business coach because I believe that the whole person needs to be seen, known, understood, and supported in order to become the spiritual powerhouse that I know them to be.

You are your business.

Your thoughts, your feelings, your systems, your boundaries, your memories, and your beliefs have SO much to do with how well you succeed.

Some of us came out of the womb confident and decisive and organized and unbothered by the feelings of others.

The rest of us have to work at it. (me included)

  • If you’ve had some success in your business and you’re ready to take it to the next level…
  • If you’ve got a nagging sense that you’ve got some emotions to clean up and some beliefs to shift…
  • If mainstream coaching isn’t really your jam and you prefer a more intuitive, spiritual approach to the mentorship you get…
  • If you’re excited to dive deep into the depths of your soul so that you can skyrocket to new levels of success…

Then babe. We should definitely talk.

If you’re intuitive (the way my right clients are) and you’ve gotten this far, then check in with your intuition right now.

If you’re seeking a high-touch, 1:1 coaching relationship, that addresses the WHOLE of you, then I suggest you apply for coaching.

Apply for a Spiritual Business Mentorship Here

Here's what my amazing client April had to say about our time together...


"It happened! I crossed the $100k mark! This marks the best day, best week, best month and best year I've had in my business! Thank you!"

- Nancy L.

“Your newsletters are the only email I look forward to reading all week!”

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