The world is ready for more spiritually awakened men

Sep 03, 2024

Hello love,

To all of you who have joined the Spiritual Playground Facebook group as the first wave of community members—THANK you for trusting me and seeking out others like YOU.

If you haven’t joined, I’d love to have you in the group. We all need a safe space to learn and grow and share our spiritual experiences. 

I’d love for you to join us. You can do that here.


(** Note for today’s post. I understand that gender is a construct. To teach a concept I will be using the words women and men in this post. Trans-people. I see you and love you. Non-binary folks. I see you and love you. I hope you can find some ways that this applies to your life as well.) 

The majority of people who find me and follow me are self-identified women. (Oh hey Barbie!) 

And I LOVE having you here. 

But increasingly, I’ve been noticing more and more men coming out of the woodwork with a growing interest in expanding their spiritual abilities. 

If you’re one of those men and you’re reading this, I LOVE having you here too. 

It’s so important for spiritual men to start showing up more and more (I know many of you have been for years) as we are all doing our collective healing work.

Here’s my take on why:

In most of the religious spaces I’ve inhabited (this is my experience), I’ve noticed that men have historically been in charge and most of the women have been in service to the men in positions of authority. (Yes, this is changing in SOME places, but at a snail’s pace.)

In most of the newer age spiritual spaces I’ve inhabited (again, this is my experience), I’ve noticed that women have historically been in charge and the men have largely been absent.

Spiritual spaces have felt like women-only spaces (to me)... sometimes with an occasional man. 

In traditional religious containers, the divine feminine felt absent if not completely ignored or dismissed and in newer aged spiritual spaces (almost as a result of not having their own space), the divine masculine was pushed aside or discounted.

But in my book, spirit is a deeply balanced blend of both the divine feminine and the divine masculine. 

When I started learning about Wicca in my early twenties, some of the incantations began with Mother, Father, God… and I remember thinking… Yes. Both/And.

It’s like one of the concepts I teach:

We are conditioned (mostly) into using our rational faculties to make decisions. The rational mind is stereotypically considered more male.

The intuitive mind, on the other hand, is stereotypically considered more female.

When you combine rational and intuitive thinking, that’s when wisdom comes into play. 

Again, it’s not one or the other—it’s both/and.

One of the qualities I’ve noticed in a spiritually awakened man is a connection with their heart center.

I believe it is so courageous to be a man in the west who has pushed past his (oftentimes relentless) patriarcal conditioning to connect with his emotional center. 

Men and women, alike, have been known to frown on a man’s connection with his feelings, his gentleness, his nurturing nature, his sweetness, his interests in anything considered non-masculine. 

A man who takes an interest in his appearance or hygiene can quickly be labeled as “gay” (a compliment in my book) and can leave men not (?) caring as much about their own self care in order to avoid (?) being judged or mislabeled.

Listen. There is nothing wrong with being called gay, but I will speak from experience that most people I know would like to be seen for who they are–authentically. 

Queer people don’t want to be called straight either. 

To put it plainly: I think it’s messed up that we have placed SO much emphasis year after year on women stepping more into their power, their divine masculine without allowing the room for men to be safe (truly safe) in their divine feminine. 


If you’re a man and you’re finding yourself in the midst of a spiritual awakening, keep going.

Keep trusting yourself.

Keep seeking out people who have done their work, who aren’t afraid of men who express their feelings and are comfortable with their divine feminine.

Keep finding those safe spaces to grow and change and step into a potentially dormant or less-explored side of you because the world needs you in your wholeness (like this one).

And keep remembering that despite what some people might say around you, we need you in this world more than ever.

If you’re a man and you’d like some help with your spiritual awakening, I have three options for you (use your intuition here to pick the first step for you):

1. Keep an eye out for my Spiritual Meditation for Beginners course. The at home version will be out VERY soon. I’ll be offering the live version again starting on September 30th. 

2. Book an Intro Emotion Code® session. The more unprocessed emotions you clear, the more aligned you are, the more intuitive you are, and the safer you feel to be your true, whole self. 

3. Schedule a psychic medium/healing session with me. The men that do these sessions with me are so happy to receive guidance and healing that rings true with what they already had a sense of intuitively. I find most men really need these higher vibrational sessions especially coming out of traumatic experiences. 

I know it’s pretty common to hate on men right now, but that doesn’t seem to be helping anyone. 

(And frankly, it doesn't feel good.)

Let’s keep lifting one another up instead. 

When an individual spiritually ascends, we all ascend.

More soon sweet one...


PS: Do you have a man in your life who’s going through a spiritual awakening? Would you share this post with him? It could change his life. *thank you*

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