Kids + Intuition: The 5 Crucial Things to Know as a Parent
Aug 18, 2021
Disclaimer alert! Disclaimer alert!
My children consist of one gray tabby cat, one Terrier mix, and one French bulldog.
Astute readers will note that I don’t have any human children.
I am in awe of parents and will probably continue to be in awe for the rest of my child-free days.
1. I do know (a lot) about intuition.
2. I did grow up with a number of amazing parents who modeled intuition for me and my sisters—and continue to.
3. I have an intuitive voice whispering in my ear as I write this...
In short, I know what I’m talking about here folks…
So let’s talk about your kids and intuition!
1. The first thing to remember is that YOUR CHILD is intuitive.
He may not seem it at first glance or he may not communicate it in a way that makes sense, but he is intuitive. He knows when you’re not feeling well. When he wants to stay home from school one day, it may be because he’s intuitively sensing the feelings of another student (or multiple students) and he doesn’t know how to identify it. Or he may intuitively sense that YOU need him around or the dog needs him. Every child is different.
2. Your kids are being actively taught to disengage from their own knowing.
One of the reasons why I teach intuition to adults now is because somewhere along the line they lost connection with their own intuition, their own wisdom, and their own knowing. Sometimes unhealed trauma can shut down intuition. Authorities (Teachers? Coaches? Religious leaders? And yes, parents?) can teach a child to fall in line and do what they say rather than teaching them to follow their own instincts. There isn’t always a whole lot of room for kids to follow their intuition in our current school system — not because teachers aren’t awesome, but because the system isn’t set up for intuitive freedom.
3. Just like adults, kids may not know how to identify what is fear and what is intuition for them.
Kids don’t have the luxury of years of lived experience like adults do. (Okay… let’s put air quotes around the word “luxury”...) But seriously. I know that when my stomach feels tied in knots about something it means be cautious. I’ve lived that feeling and had the associated experiences enough to know. For a kiddo, it might mean caution because what they’re about to do is completely new, it might mean that they have some anxiety that they don’t have words for, hell, it might mean that they are lactose-intolerant and there’s some wires being crossed about an experience and a poor food choice. It takes time and mentoring from the adults in their life to learn what is intuition and what is fear.
4. You can model intuitive practices for your kids. This may be the best way to help them trust themselves.
I grew up with my parents saying out loud in front of me and my sisters, “Mm… that doesn’t feel right. Let’s hold off a bit.” Or “There’s something about the energy in this place that I don’t like. Let’s leave.” My sisters and I are INCREDIBLY FORTUNATE to have multiple parents who demonstrated intuition in action for us. That modeling helping shape the three of us into people who constantly check-in with ourselves and make decisions based not just on the consideration of our rational minds, but also on the wisdom of our intuition. YOU can do this for your child. If you feel like you’re not “intuitive enough” — you are. You don’t need to be a psychic medium to be a good model for your child. If you feel like you could use some help amping up your intuition, I highly recommend my beginner course, Intuitive Rockstar. Or if you’re not ready for a whole course, check out my free training.
5. Intuition is a life skill that will help them in every area of life.
Teaching a child to be intuitive in little snippets here and there is awesome! Not only will it help them be safer and wiser as they navigate through life, but they’ll have an easier time figuring out who they want to partner with, what schooling they want to pursue, which landlords to trust, which friends they can count on. Intuition is a life skill that I put on par with critical thinking skills. Your child’s school will contribute (hopefully) to their critical thinking skills. It’s your job to help them learn, hone, and practice their intuitive skills.
Did you enjoy today’s post? Would you like more information on how to help your kids with their intuitive skills?
If so, write me and let me know!
Until next week,